Updates and Housekeeping

Hello all,

It's Kayla again, back again with another blog post. THis one is pretty basic, no heavy or deep content for this post. Apologies for that, but it's been a while and I felt we should probably make sure our readers had an updated list of sites to find our content. We have recently had some extreme household changes, and that has opened the doors to allow us to create more, as we have more energy to spare on ourselves. Self care has been, in complete honesty, very difficult over the past few years, but I feel like there's a light at the end of the tunnel now. 

What follows is a list of links to various content pages, starting with our LinkTree, which has all the important pages on it and should allow readers and eventually listeners, once we start the podcast, to find things a bit easier than trying to navigate through blog posts. 

The link to the linkTree is as follows. 


As always, our Mastodon page is open for readers and those who are curious but respectful to contact us with any questions, comments or feedback. 
And finally, if you're either feeling generous, enjoy our content, or find any of it useful and wish to support us, below is listed the link to our Ko-Fi page. We update this a bit more regularly than the blog, as the quick update feature allows quick, few second updates here and there, but as mentioned above, with our major household changes the blog update schedule may change and improve. 
As I mentioned in passing above, this Collective, along with our two housemates, will soon be starting a podcast. As there are three of us, and our interests differ in many ways, you may hear many different things when listening to the podcast. More updates to come on that once the process is moving and we have an episode up to listen to. 


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