Meet the Family, Elena

Hello all,

My name is Elena. I am a member of this system, though this is likely evident by my posting here. I am 14 years old, and the system ... admins, I guess, decided it would be ok if we posted up here as long as someone watched to make sure we didn't give out any personal info other than our own. I'm one of the system analysts, though my preferred passion is music. I have a sister, her name is Kassadie. She claims to be my fun side. 

The kinds of music I am interested in include opera, piano music, classical music, some choral, and very minimal pop and country music. On an unrelated note, as I am typing this I find that I am not a very good typist in this body. I can type just find on my mental interface computer systemside, but we don't have that kind of technology here. This planet is far too behind for its own good, the humans will eventually self destruct. I wish we all didn't have to be here when it happened. I would run if I could. 

They tell me I skip around between topics a lot. This is likely because I am extremely hyper, and have no real regard for staying on topic. Even though I am an analyst, I am very distractable sometimes, and the system caretakers, usually Martha, has to keep me on task. If that doesn't work, Kayla and Nicole come down to help. Anyway, I'm going to set this post for its drop date before I get distracted and take you all on another rambling journey. 


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