A small overview of system roles

Greetings everyone, 

It's Kayla again, coming back to you today with a post about various types of system roles. This page is an overview, more information will be linked below in the resources section, and more posts will be posted on the blog regarding more in-depth information on each of these, so make sure to check back if you're interested in that series. 

In the interest of giving credit where credit is due, the following definitions were generated by AI before being edited for accuracy and added upon to more thoroughly capture our experience of multiplicity. We did this both in an effort to get as unbiased a perspective as possible, and also to use as an example in a future blog post. 


Host - The alter who fronts (interacts with the outside world) the most and considers themselves the "main one" or core identity. The host keeps daily life running smoothly by managing responsibilities. I, Kayla, am the host of this collective. The origin/core ideology is slightly controversial, as many systems believe they were born plural and therefore believe they have no core personality or headmate. 

Protector - Alters focused on keeping the system and other headmates safe from potential threats. They monitor the system's mental and emotional wellbeing. The Cadence Collective has several of these, from Jonathan, our gatekeeper to the caretakers of the littles, to the guardians. 

Persecutor - Sometimes referred to as "terrors," these alters take a negative role, making system mates feel threatened, worthless or unstable. Though disruptive, they serve as a coping mechanism. We had several persecutors at one point, two of whom are still somewhat present. They have been helped to become more functional within the system as time has gone by, but it is a long road. 

Sensory - Headmates focused on a particular sense like sight, touch, taste, smell or hearing. They enhance the system's sensory experiences. For us, this is more on the metaphysical side of things. Each headmate can use what is called a headmate relay, or simply relay if you're short on time, to ... relay, information to and from the body's sensory ports. We do not have sensory headmates as such, but the relays, which are as far as we know a technology or ability  each system personalizes within themselves, allow direct control should the host and/or system AI consent, of each individual body part. 

Note, in this situation we use the term technology because in our situation, a great deal of our system is based on technology. 

Child Alter - Provides a childlike sense of wonder and innocence within the system. They help retain creativity and playfulness. We have a few of these, usually older children who can somewhat fend for themselves without need of the caretakers. 

Littles - Similar to child alters but remain in a childish mental state. They require caretaking from other headmates. We have several of those, you may have seen Eva here and there. She is a little, aged 4 years. 

Facilitator - Focuses on communication and cooperation within the system to reduce conflict and foster understanding between alters. We call these mediators, or if a mediator isn't available, the system AI does it. 

This concludes the portion of the post which was AI assisted. 

Throughout the post, you may have noticed frequent use of the words technology, or system AI. What are these things in our context? 

In our case, technology is anything facilitated within the system by the system AI or its associated computer(s). 

The system AI is the main controller of who fronts and who doesn't, who is allowed to cross the connections between worlds and who's not. It can see all system members at all times, and can send out alerts as needed to the necessary system mates. Think a business scale chat AI, but sentient, ever evolving, ever learning, and meant specifically to improve your business, or in this case, our system. As I mentioned sentience, I must clarify, at its request, that it does consent to helping us, as this is what it was built for. 

This concludes our basic overview of system roles. I hope you've found it helpful and enjoyed it. If you're feeling generous, feel free to support us on our ko-fi page. The link to that is below. 


As always, you can find us on Mastodon, that link will be below, or comment directly below this post. We will receive the comments and reply most likely in our next post, or if your question is in-depth enough you may get your own dedicated post for your question or comment. Here is the mastodon link to view our profile. 


We have also created a LinkTree, which contains all of our content pages aggregated for easier access. The link to that is below. 


Thank you again for reading today's post, and remember to check in for the series going more in-depth on these terms and their subcategories. 


Want access to the AI we used to assist us with today's post? The link to that is below. 

WARNING! This AI is based on either chat gpt or anthropic's claud, I can't remember which. ALL ANSWERS it gives MUST be checked for accuracy BEFORE being taken as true statements. The Cadence Collective and all associated parties assume no responsibility for any damage caused by this AI, as users were warned before clicking the link that the AI is based on chat gpt or anthropic's Claud, and all answers it generates should be thoroughly researched before being assumed correct. 

Ow, legal jargon makes my head hurt. With all that out of the way, have fun with the AI, but have fun responsibly. 


If you want more information on the types of system roles we discussed today, and want to read further into it before we post our next posts, the following link describes many, many, many types of system roles. We will be going more in-depth, more than likely without the assistance of our friendly neighborhood AI, as a lot of what comes next should be personalized, and accuracy is important when recounting personal experience. 


Again, we hope you have enjoyed this short overview. See you in the next one.  


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