Functional Multiplicity

In our last few posts, we have gone into fusion, blending, and integration. See the posts from th epast two days for more details. Today, we're going to start the discussion pertaining to the last path of healing a plural or system can take should they choose to do so. This path is commonly known as functional multiplicity. 

Functional multiplicity is defined as the ability to remain stable according to normal ranges of stability for your particular system, while still remaining plural. This is, in essence, the opposite of integration, as nobody is fused into anyone else unless they choose to be. Nobody is forced to leave the system, in fact often times if functional multiples allow it, they may receive more system members just from their meditations and visualizations, which we will go into later. Functional multiplicity involves things like being able to communicate with your system, having coping mechanisms in place for when you need them, and doing the things necessary for you and your system, within reason. Obviously, if you're thinking criminal activities, we advise that you seek help from either a trusted friend or family member, or a counselor, whichever makes you more comfortable. Being functionally multiple involves a lot of balancing, and a lot of allowing others time in the body. We've set up a schedule, and are reasonably good at communicating to each other when or if such is necessary. We use visualization and meditation, which we will discuss in a future post, to assist our various system members. 

That's the basics of functional multiplicity. If anyone has questions, leave them in the comments below or direct them on mastodon to We read those most frequently, and will reply both in a future blog post and directly to the one who sent us the comment. 


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