fusion versus blending

Hello all,

It's Kayla once more with a blast from the past, and also a brief view of the old post format. Yes, we do change things up around here ... just a little bit. Today's post is covering something a bit controvercial, that being the topic of fusion. Granted, we are only going into this a little bit in this particular post, but the distinction between these two terms is an important one. 

We have found that some systems use the phrases fusion and blending interchangeably. This is not accurate. 

Fusion is the act of permanently or semipermanently fusing the aspects of one headmate into another, making a completely different headmate. This process is also known as integration, and has been surrounded in controversy within the plural community. 

Blending, is the act or process of two headmates temporarily blending their characteristics with the intent to return to a state of separation after a certain time. Systems may blend headmates for the sake of masking their plurality, or they may blend because it is easier to complete a task with the powers of two headmates rolled into one. The Cadence Collective very rarely will blend intentionally, and flat out refuses to fuse because of some past trauma. 

We apologize for the short post, though should letour readers know that most terminology posts will be a bit on the shorter side compared to our ramblings on our own inner system structures. 


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