A new Purpose

Recently, we came across the blog of another system who is similar in make to us, and though their story is much different than ours, they have taught us many things. Due to this, the purpose of the blog we write has changed slightly. We are no longer going to try to aggregate resources, though if there is a relevant resource which goes with the post topic we will do our best to link it within the post, though as our links don't translate as links in the text view, viewers will have to copy and paste the links into their browsers. We have turned our attention to other ways of writing, such as journals lately, and wish to attempt to make blog posts more regularly, even if they consist mostly of ramblings that may not make sense to the average reader. JOurnaling from various system members, or at the very least, summaries from those who consent, will be provided alongside our regular posts. 

As we mentioned in the last post, we will be turning away from listing system terminology, unless it's something like a multiverse collective that nobody's heard of in the history of ever. This blog will, even if gradually, turn into a place where system members can document and journal their experiences. 


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