Types of systems, endogenic versus traumagenic

Hello. It's Kayla, just here for the intro. Today, we've asked Elena to go through the two types of genic a system can be. Please note, these are only basic categories, and these two genics only describe whether or not a system came from trauma. There are many other terms available to describe types of systems, and we will go into these later. 

My name is Elena. I am 14, and I'm the system member that does analyses. I'll put up my meet the system mates post later, though if someone decides such, it may come out before this one. For now though, let's go through endogenic versus traumagenic. I'll also put a few blogs and other resources at the bottom of this post to describe the content in different ways. 

Endogenic Systems

Endogenic systems are defined as systems that did not come into existence through trauma. This term does not tell anything else about the system, except that it did not come from trauma. The Cadence Collective chooses not to identify with any genic label, as mentioned in previous posts, because especially with these two, neither fits. There are fictives, walk-ins and others that did not come into existence due to trauma, while there are others who did. Endogenic simply means, did not come from trauma. This of course opens up a whole list of other types of system, but we'll discuss that in a different post. 

Traumagenic Systems

 Traumagenic, as the root word, trauma, may suggest, means that systems came into existence from trauma, for instance in disorders similar to DID or OSDD1. These systems often have alters or system mates who have repressed trauma memories. They may dissociate, or have switching amnesia, more often than endogenic systems, though endogenic systems may still have these issues. 

There is a controversy regarding endogenic versus traumagenic systems. A lot of traumagenic systems believe that endogenic systems are faking and ignoring medical evidence. However, I will drop a separate post discussing the controversy and showing various reddit posts and blogs where it is most prevalent. 

 The following page discusses endogenic systems, and goes into separate types of endogenic systems. I, or someone else, will go into further detail regarding different types of systems. 


The following page discusses traumagenic systems, and provides links to other pages which do the same. 



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