The Purpose of the Blog

Hello everyone, today it's Kayla again, though the rest of the adults of the system are close enough as we do our daily work on the blog. Today's post is different than all the others, which tend toward educational in their tone. This post is going to discuss  why I created the blog, and tell a little history about us. 

From the age of eleven onwards, we decided we wanted to create a blog. At the time, we didn't know what plurality was, didn't have the slightest idea how to use the internet, and were comparatively naive, especially compared to now. We started off with a tiny blog on, which didn't work because it was inaccessible and our mother eventually found out. Elena has added a post about our mother to the list of posts we need to get done, which sometimes happens as we're writing various posts and getting them ready to be published. We then decided to try Twitter, around the age of 12. That actually lasted for about a year, and even a bit after, because she never made us delete it. She just darkly hinted about why I shouldn't use twitter or the internet in general. But this isn't a history post on our mother, or a history post on our social media experiences, another idea which has been added to the list. Knowing us, it will drop either in September or October. Back to the point of this post however. We eventually settled on blogger, because it has been accessible to a reasonable extent since 2018. We first tried to keep up a plurality blog, with different series going on every day, and several posts. We're hoping to work up to that with this blog, but it will likely not be right around now, unless ... We will figure that out later. The purpose of the Cadence Collective blog is as follows. 

1. I want to educate people, both singlets and plurals, about the various ways of being plural, and about skills it may be helpful to have as a plural. 

2. I want to tell our story, and allow each of my system mates to have a chance to express themselves, post things, and even one day journal reliably on here, telling people things which may be relevant to their system growth. 

3. I aim to someday publish stories about what goes on in our wonderlands and paraverses, though because some real world identities cross over, they may need to be altered so as to protect the people involved. 

4. I want to compile my favorite resources and those that were helpful to us as a system in one place, so that people viewing my blog later on can browse through and click on links to other sites that discuss things in different ways than I do. 

Though the purpose may update over the years of us blogging, these are the basic ideals of the Cadence Collective blog. As usual, contact us on twitter @cadence022 with any questions, comments, or other feedback, and we'll get back to you and publish answers to questions on the blog. The identities of the people who ask questions or submit comments to me are not revealed unless the person talking with me gives their permission to be revealed, in which case they choose what we reveal about them. I, Kayla, take identity protection very seriously. 


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