Terminology of the Inner Multiverse, paracosm and inner world related

Greetings everyone, 

My name is Martha. I have a wholely different writing style to those of my fellow system mates. That is because of my cultural positioning, if you will. I identify as a British citizen, though if I were to attempt to tell the British this, they would likely have the body committed to a psychological institution post haste. So, I stay active within my system and try not to get in the way. Today, I will be discussing terminology of the inner multiverse. First, what is the inner multiverse? You have seen this term both in the title, and in the first paragraph of writing. 

The inner multiverse is the system-coined term which describes the sum total of all our inner worlds, mindscapes, paracosms, paraverses, and anything else we have decided to connect. Second, what are inner worlds, mindscapes, paracosms, or any of those other terms? 

A mindscape is defined in the featured snippits of google as: A mental or psychological scene or area of the imagination. This very basic definition holds true for most of these terms. 

 Another term which can apply when talking about inner multiverses is headspace, which is defined as a person's state of mind or mindset. This is not often the definition which systems and the plurality community in general uses it. A headspace is quite similar to a mindscape, save that due to the use of the word head in headspace, people often think of this state as being quite literally inside of your head. This can sometimes hinder the creation of mindscapes or paracosms, if that is what your goals entail. 

Due to the fact that the term headspace may hinder the creation of these worlds or spaces within the imagination, the term paracosm was coined. The following page discusses origins of the word paracosm if anyone is interested. 


A paracosm is defined as an invented world. The practice of having paracosms is called being paracosmic. I will release more literature regarding paracosms, as Kayla tells me it is a large reason for this blog. The following page discusses the pros of having a paracosm, in an almost salesmanly way. 


This page discusses paracosms from a slightly more scientific viewpoint. 


The term paraverse is used to describe an inner universe full of paracosms. 

The terms inner world and wonderland can be used interchangeably. Each means a world within a system in which system mates spend time. The Cadence Collective has several wonderlands along with several paraverses and paracosms. Some systems have a goal of creating wonderlands or inner worlds, but can't do it. The following resources may assist with that. 

The following link is what appears to be a guide forum from the tulpamancy site. Though this information comes from a site on willfully creating plurality, the tips and tricks within can help. 


The following link is to a basic wonderlanding guide from Wondrous Fairy. They are a collective with several rich inner worlds or paracosms. 


This is another link from Wondrous Fairy, discussing more inner world tips. 


For those who have difficulty immersing in their inner worlds, or want tips and tricks on how to improve for the sake of your system, the following link discusses immersion in the inner worlds. 


For those with multiple paracosms or inner worlds, or multiple paraverses, this next link leads to a page which discusses managing multiple worlds. 


That's it for today's post, next will be paracosm and paraverse reviews for a few of our more active paracosms, along with meet the system mates posts for a few people in the near future. 


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