Paracosm Overview, New Haven

                        Hello everyone, it's Kayla from the Cadence Collective, back again with another post of the day. Today's, like yesterday's, is a paracosm overview, this one of New Haven, which was mentioned yesterday. New haven is a large biodome in space. It expands according to the needs of its residents, and has a lot of technology which has the ability to do many fantastical things, like heal all wounds on a person and bring them to life muchthe same as they were before, when the odds seem improbable. All the hallways are formed from white glass, carpeted in light blue. The world is purposely well organized, because cultures and groups from other universes frequently settle in spare sectors. New Haven is self sustaining, meaning all the food the residents eat, all the drinks they drink, all their paper ... every resource is home grown. This world, like new earth, is full of npc's, and these npc's can become system members if they learn the nature of plurality and the fact that their world exists in a plural system. Originally, new haven and new earth were both invented because I wrote them into existence. However, over the years, these worlds began to grow more on their own, interacting with their residents in ways I couldn't have imagined and wouldn't have tried. A lot of stories may start off from here. 

Characters of Relevance

The Spencer family runs the entire operation at New Haven. They are led by Isabelle, who will be introduced in a later meet the family post. Isabelle is the queen of new haven, and is often treated as such. A story is in the works about her life as a royal, after going through several other trials and tribulations from many places. 

Mel is Isabelle's sister, the only one she ever really attached to. All the rest of the family are nameless aunts, uncles, grandparents and such. 

Renae is one of Isabelle's genius children. Though she remains a NPC, she has begun to learn the true nature of plurality and may cross over to homeworld any day now. 

Monique Spencer is Isabelle's mother. There is a story of her passing away, and this did happen in one of the timelines Isabelle visited, but in the new haven that we are connected to, she is alive and very much kicking. 

Well, that's it for today's post. As always, any questions can be dropped to @cadence022, and we will put them on the list for the blog, as well as reply directly to the person who wrote the comment or question.                                                                                         


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