In-system terminology

Hello everyone, it's Kayla again with another terminology post. Today's is strictly about terms we use to describe or identify various things or headmates. A few days ago, we went over inner world and headspace related terminology, so we won't go over all that again unless it relates to the terms we're discussing. So, without further preamble, let's get into today's terms. 

Age Descriptors

The following terms describe various ways system mates' ages can be described. 

An age slider is someone whose age slides between two different ages. Eva used to be an age slider, sliding from age 3 to age 8. 

Ageless system members are those who either came into the system unable to age, or chose not to age internally on purpose. 

Littles, or syskids,  are children of the system, generally up to age 7 or 8. 

Middles are those system members who are ages 7 or 8 to 12. 

Teens or systeens are those system mates who are teenagers. 

Bigs, or our preferred term, adults, are, well, those system members who are adults. 

Identity/role descriptors

The following terms describe various labels which can be applied to various system members based on their contributions to the system. 

Gatekeepers are those who manage system access, for example access to the fronting space. Farren takes care of most internal access authorizations, while jonathan keeps the gate safe and either welcomes new system members or denies them. 

Protectors are those system members who protect the system from external threats. 

Guardians are those system members who protect the system from internal threats, for example fighting in system. 

Walk-ins are those new system members who came in via the gate or through one of the inner worlds. 

Fictives are system members who are based off a fictional person. Isabelle is partially a fictive, as she came into existence from my writings. 

Factives are system members who are based off of real people. 

Trauma holders are system members who hold trauma. Lilian is a trauma holder because of what happened to cause her removal as host. 

That's pretty much all I had planned to discuss, we'll be back with another post regarding system dynamics and how various roles relate to each other, along with any terms we may have forgotten, along with resource posts. 


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