
My name is Kayla. I am the main host of the Cadence Collective. We found out we were plural at the age of 18, originally thinking we were traumagenic. And we still think we are to a certain extent, Felicia, Lana, Martha, Nicole and Lilian having been created and brought into existence to deal with trauma. Though we did not post our system story before, we've decided to now, after thinking for a great deal of time. We switched from our old blog, so that we wouldn't have as much likelihood of being found out via our old email address. There are a lot more of us than there used to be, and we have a lot more energy. Hopefully, someone will be able to put up posts a lot more. 

We are a new type of system, though don't think we're entirely the first of our kind. We are a multiverse collective, which means that we have doorways in our existence that lead to various universes and worlds. A door from our nexus leads to a copy of the Cosmic Rage universe. Cosmic Rage is a game we play sometimes, and it is a relief to have a copy of that universe in our system so that we can go be with our cr friends any time we like. We finished an archive and found that we now number at 51. Most of the system members don't interact with the earth that the body lives on, choosing to run through our multiverse and get into adventures and trouble there. You may occasionally hear from system members on the blog, but it will most often be me telling stories. Besides identifying as a multiverse collective, we don't often use labels. We took the idea of not really identifying much with the labels from the wondrous fairy tulpa collective, even though we don't have any tulpas, the practice of tulpamancy interests us. We have several walk-ins, the most recent being Marie, Mandy, Doria, Dorian, Andromeda and Charlie. Marie and Mandy live in the hiveworld, Charlie and Andromeda having chosen to follow them. All of them have rooms in the main house should they wish to stay. Doria and Dorian, though they started off in the main house, now live in the woods. They are a single entity, technically what would be classified as a subsystem. They have a male form and a female form, and can shapeshift into each form. 

Well, that's it for now, this post will be queued to drop at some point, so won't come out right away after we finish it. If anyone has any questions, contact us on twitter @cadence022. 


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